
Pietro Nolita

To start off our series we made a stop at the Pietro Nolita restaurant in the Lower East Side. We usually haven’t been a fan of the color but it’s hard to deny the quaint charm of an all pink exterior in a sea of mundane cold brick. Upon entry you’re engulfed in an ‘50s inspired Pink Ladies Grease diner experience from the pink tables, walls, signage, & chairs — all in various shades.

With a seasonal menu, there is an abundance of evolving new & fresh flavors but of course we started off with an alcoholic beverage to cleanse our palette. Ordering “A Sneak Pink” & “Vecchio Borbone” we were impressed to say the least by the combination of ingredients in each cocktail. The rosemary & grapefruit in the Sneak Pink was sweet & tangy but the chamomile, honey, & cinnamon of the Vecchio Borbone had an interesting aromatic taste.

For an appetizer we ordered Roasted Cauliflower drizzled in lemon zest & parmigiana reggiano. The cauliflower was roasted perfectly with the right amount of crunch to compliment the sprinkles of parmigiana with the lemon adding a balance to the starter.

We then ordered entrees: Pan Seared Salmon laid on a bed of lightly roasted asparagus and pea purée with lemon for Sadé & the Homemade Ravioli stuffed with butternut squash & ricotta cheese drizzled with a brown butter sage glaze and wild formaggio, of course, for myself! I swear it’s as good as it sounds!

With the calm portions we had enough room for dessert which we opted for the classic Italian delight: Tiramisu. It can often be really runny or the ration of cream to sponge is inaccurate. However this wasn’t the case at Pietro Nolita! It was fluffy enough to melt as soon as it touched your mouth. Lightly sifted with cocoa powder & sprinkled with grated chocolate; it was a perfect way to end a good Italian meal!

And lastly, a bottle of rosé ;)


Total Bill : $180

S|S EatsSade Lewis